I downloaded NaturalONE Community Edition but i’m not able to execute a natural program.
I either get Timeout error or Connection broken. There is no Natural server view toolbar present. when i build the project , the natural program is not getting compiled.
Please advice.
Thanks Ronald. It’s mentioned that Natural server view toolbar will not be available for Trial version.
This being the case how can i compile natural programs ?
Please advice.
Create a new project. Then use the source editor to create one or more Natural objects and click Build to compile them. All this is done on your machine in a local environment.
With the Trial version you can’t (easily) deploy to a mainframe/Unix/Linux/Windows server; if you could, you wouldn’t buy the full version. Neither is it simple to copy existing modules from a server to the Trial environment. The intent is to allow you to build modules from scratch during your evaluation.
I created a new project,library and natural program. I built the project but when i try to execute the natural program,i get timeout error as shown in the attachment. Even when i use port 8080, i still get the same error.
Fyi, i am using Natural for windows.
Timeout error.docx (26.4 KB)