After upgrading the Applinx version from 8.2 to 9.5, we are unable to access the emulation applications.
we tried upgrading the emulation applications in Applinx 9.5 version using Web Application Manager option by right clicking on the specific Application and still facing the issues.
index.jsp:6:2: The tag handler class was not found “com.sabratec.j2ee.framework.web.taglib.GXHtmlTag”.
<gx:html gx_context=“contexts.index”>
index.jsp:6:2: The tag handler class was not found “com.sabratec.j2ee.framework.web.taglib.GXHtmlTag”.
<gx:html gx_context=“contexts.index”>
index.jsp:36:6: The tag handler class was not found “com.sabratec.j2ee.framework.web.taglib.GXFormTag”.
index.jsp:37:6: The tag handler class was not found “com.sabratec.j2ee.framework.web.taglib.GXSpanTag”.
<gx:span id=“ErrorMessage”/>
index.jsp:38:6: The tag handler class was not found “com.sabratec.j2ee.framework.web.taglib.GXAnchorTag”.
<gx:a id=“myButton” onserverclick=“myButton_ServerClick”></gx:a>
Is there any option to run the emulation applications in Applinx 9.5 Version without upgrading them using Web Application Manager?