Unable to Install TN Document Types

Hello there,

Below is the error I am getting when I am installing TN document types. Did anyone see this error?

X12_4010_852 schema isn’t set successfully. [FFP.0015.0003] Cannot save changes to dictionary EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:Dictionary. Dictionary is not locked.


Did you look in TN to see if the documents were added? I ran into this a couple of years ago, but the documents were added.

If they are not there, then perhaps something is not right in your db schema.

Did you check whats going on in the WmEDIForTN package its EDIFFSchema folder if something unusal??

It should already have created Dictionary and when ever you install new doctype it updates the Dict and must be in the unlock mode…


Services and documents in the package seems to have been locked by the server below is the lock status.

‘T204DT’ is System Locked

‘T204DT’ consist of the following server-side files

I see that the TN documents showing up. But I dont see the documents got created under WmEDIForTN package.


Try reload that package,unlock those items and start with fresh install of those doctypes…Also do you see any more errors in the logs??


Silly question, do you have admin as well as TNadmin ACLs?

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