Unable to import the package into LSD

*Software AG 10.3

I am trying to import my packages into LSD using Software AG 10.3 and able to convert the project into LSD and move the package to Local IS but, I don’t see it in the Designer, I did try to stop/start the Eclipse as well as the local IS, even reinstalled the same into WINDOWS a couple of times, I also have the local broker running using Rancher Desktop. I also observed that none of the aclmap_sm.cnf nor the aclread.cnf have the entry of the packages into these files in the config

No Error message as such, just that I don’t see the package imported into the Designer, however, there are some error messages in the git/resource perspective with the message “A required privilege is not held by the client” as shown in the screen shot below

Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?