Unable to do a sesach in EntireX 951

When attempting to do a search in EntireX 951 I get the following error

Problems with blocked content in Internet Explorer? Check Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Security > Allow active content to run in files on My Computer. At the bottom of the browser it states "active content” was blocked

I have made this change to my browser but but I still get this error. My PC is Windows 7 IE9 , if I run this on a XP IE8 PC I get a warning that the digital signature has expired and she enough when I drill down to the certifate details it expired on Feb 2 2014. See attachment

Does anyone know if there is an update , patch or fix for this ?

Please contact support.

Would like to but that are yet to get back to me so I can log a call , its been almost a week now , hence I started a thread on the forum hoping to get an answer.

Please try to use the 9.6 documentation:

This works for me.