I have created a Master Repository and created a Mirror from the Master. The job completes and the Mirror gets created. When I try to click on the mirror to review content it throws SPMREPE0044: Unable to load remote repository, REPOSITORY-xxxx_PRIME_XXXXX, due to Login failed for http://Server:8092/w64_Mirrir/repository? I also tried with 8093 SSL, but the error remians the same
Do you still have this issue? I had the same; when I restarted CCE and its SPM I would get in again, but only for a while. I had to completely remove the repository and re-create it before the issue went away.
I still don’t know what the root cause of the problem was, though.
Yes I’m facing the same problem. Even after I’ve changed the authentication, port, restart cce/spm instance, rebuild the mirror, etc (picture attached) the mirror problem still occurs which is inaccessible (meanwhile the master repo didn’t disclosed any problem)