I am unable to add a SAG Product or Fix Repository to Command Central from behind a firewall. In CCE wrapper.log I get this error:
“INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/03/11 09:50:30 | 2021/03/11 09:50:30 DEBUG #58733 ExceptionHandlerTools Error: (id: 1615456230558) Cannot connect to the repository due to javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: None of the TrustManagers trust this certificate chain. caused by:”
I have added the following from Command Central:
EmpowerUser credentials to Command Central Server
Proxy public certificate chain to jks file found in Outbound SSL Connection Settings in Command Central Server
HTTPS proxy to SPM
Is there any configuration missing? What additional checks can I carry out to find the cause?