Unable to add a SAG Repository from behind a firewall

I am unable to add a SAG Product or Fix Repository to Command Central from behind a firewall. In CCE wrapper.log I get this error:

“INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/03/11 09:50:30 | 2021/03/11 09:50:30 DEBUG #58733 ExceptionHandlerTools Error: (id: 1615456230558) Cannot connect to the repository due to javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: None of the TrustManagers trust this certificate chain. caused by:”

I have added the following from Command Central:

  • EmpowerUser credentials to Command Central Server

  • Proxy public certificate chain to jks file found in Outbound SSL Connection Settings in Command Central Server

  • HTTPS proxy to SPM

Is there any configuration missing? What additional checks can I carry out to find the cause?

Issue was solved by adding the following websites to the proxy server:


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