Unable to configure Database component for My Web methods server (MWS) using Database Component configurator CLI


To set up MWS server instance, as a prerequisite, we tried to configure database component using Database Component configurator CLI as mentioned in the article (page no. 121).

When we run the command sudo ./dbConfigurator.sh -a create -d postgresql -c mywebmethodsserver -v latest -l jdbc:wm:postgresql://localhost:5432;databaseName= -u -p

The username used: swag, is already existing in the PostgreSQL DB, the script (./common/db/dbConfigurator.sh ) is considering username for the database name.

We received below error,

dcc version:
executing action: create
processing products:
processing components: [mywebmethodsserver]
*error: java.sql.SQLException: [SoftwareAG][PostgreSQL JDBC Driver][PostgreSQL]database “swag” does not exist. *
*error.message: java.sql.SQLException: [SoftwareAG][PostgreSQL JDBC Driver][PostgreSQL]database “swag” does not exist. *
report 0: java.sql.SQLException: [SoftwareAG][PostgreSQL JDBC Driver][PostgreSQL]database “swag” does not exist.

We are trying to configure my web methods server with version 10.5 on port 8585 to enable ebxml communication, by creating required partner profiles, using software AG Installer on centos.

Any help appreciated.

Also, please share with us, if there is any simple guide to configure my web methods server end to end.

We found the solution…one has to install the MWS product scripts using DCC

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