Issue creating database components from Linux

Hi All,

I am facing an issue while installing DB components from Linux command line for SQL server.
Using the below command:
./ -a create -d sqlserver –pr MwS -v latest -l jdbc:wm:sqlserver://:1433;databaseName=;integratedSecurity=true; authenticationScheme=NativeAuthentication -u -p

Below is the error message:
Database Connection error: [SoftwareAG][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Kerberos Authentication is not supported by this SQLServer. The driver attempted Kerberos authentication because the AuthenticationMethod connect option was “auto” and no username/password was specified.

I have installed only the Database Component Configurator at this stage, and plan to install products once create the DB components.


Is your SQL Server on Linux or Windows? I see that Native Authentication works only with Windows.

I haven’t encountered this issue, so these are trial and error options -

  1. In some references, I see “nativeAuthentication” even though Microsoft has “NativeAuthentication” - worth a try.
  2. Append the username and password to the connection string, instead of CLI params. userName=user;password=yourPass
  3. Depending on what OS your database is on, refer this link

Hope this helps.

Can you share the resolution for the benefit of the community?

Glad that passing the credentials in the string directly, solved it!


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