Un installing Fixes

Hi, I am trying to uninstall the fixes on the IS,we are on IS 65 SP3,In this scenario e.g. IS_pubsub fix, ISCore fix etc. I did go through the Read me and didn’t see any uninstallation instructions. I am just wondering how to do. Could anyone please advise. Thanks, Capri_lak.

Hi, inside the fix .zip file you must have a subfolder “updateReadmes” with a *.txt. Could you share it? sometimes this txt files comes without Unistall instructions but maybe if I can read the file I can help.

Hi, Sure the following is the text file came with the fix. Thanks, Capri_lak.
IS_6-5_SP3_PubSub_Fix6_Readme.txt (11.1 KB)

I don’t know why but the instructions didn’t tell about a backUp of WmRoot package. When you installed the fix you replaced WmRoot package with a new one (with the fix inside). The way to uninstall in this case is came back WmRoot to a previous versión, I hope you have a previous version of that package.
Please keep me informed.