Can any one explain what is the use of UDDI Registry?
How we need to use?
Can any one explain what is the use of UDDI Registry?
How we need to use?
If I am not mistake the UDDI for IS is centrasite.
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) is a registry model that can be used ad the basis of a SOA.
You may refer to the documentation regarding CentraSite and reach it at [URL]http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/[/URL]
Thanks for your reply.
Can you explain me about Servicenet tab in Developer
I’ve not seen servicenet tab in developer so far but i may have missed it.
webMethods Servicenet (previously named webMethods Fabric and webMethods Grid) is a web services monitoring and management product.
But SAG is not selling this product anymore. Centrasite (old named X-Registry) and mediator(old named X-Broker) are the new products in this area.
Servicenet tab was found in Developer 6.5 :eek:
Thanks for let me learn something new.
The developer after version 6.5 removed the servicenet tab and add in UDDI Registry tab.
Regarding servicenet tab in developer you can refer to webMethod’s Developer User’s Guide [URL]http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/webmethods/wmsuites/wMdoc/_webM_suite_65/Developer/Developer%206.5%20Service%20Pack%203/webMethods%20Developer%20User’s%20Guide%206.5%20SP3.pdf[/URL]
For more details of UDDI Registry you may go through web Service Developer’s Guide [url]http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/webmethods/wmsuites/wMdoc/_webM_suite_65/Developer/Developer%206.5/Web%20Services%20Developer’s%20Guide%206.5.pdf[/url]