UDDI Registry


Can any one explain what is the use of UDDI Registry?

How we need to use?


If I am not mistake the UDDI for IS is centrasite.

UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) is a registry model that can be used ad the basis of a SOA.

You may refer to the documentation regarding CentraSite and reach it at [URL]http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/[/URL]


Thanks for your reply.

Can you explain me about Servicenet tab in Developer

I’ve not seen servicenet tab in developer so far but i may have missed it.

webMethods Servicenet (previously named webMethods Fabric and webMethods Grid) is a web services monitoring and management product.

But SAG is not selling this product anymore. Centrasite (old named X-Registry) and mediator(old named X-Broker) are the new products in this area.

Servicenet tab was found in Developer 6.5 :eek:
Thanks for let me learn something new.:slight_smile:
The developer after version 6.5 removed the servicenet tab and add in UDDI Registry tab.

Regarding servicenet tab in developer you can refer to webMethod’s Developer User’s Guide [URL]http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/webmethods/wmsuites/wMdoc/_webM_suite_65/Developer/Developer%206.5%20Service%20Pack%203/webMethods%20Developer%20User’s%20Guide%206.5%20SP3.pdf[/URL]

For more details of UDDI Registry you may go through web Service Developer’s Guide [url]http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/webmethods/wmsuites/wMdoc/_webM_suite_65/Developer/Developer%206.5/Web%20Services%20Developer’s%20Guide%206.5.pdf[/url]