"Too many redirects" error after starting API Gateway at My SAG Cloud trial


When trying to start and access my API Gateway instance at https javibabel.softwareag.cloud/apigateway , I get a “Too many redirects” error from my browser. I can access API Portal, but not API Gateway. I sent an email to APICloud@SoftwareAG.com and CloudFreeTrial@softwareag.com , but posting here also just in case.

The free trial cloud instance was created some days ago. Yesterday I tried to use it, and it was shut dow; I started it, but ran into the “Too many redirects” error. This morning, the same situation happens.

I could try to create another instance with another email, but I guess it is better if somebody can fix that instance. Thanks and best regards

Hi Javier,
Are you still seeing this error? If so can you please share your tenant name?


Hi Prabaa

Yes, it is still failing. The tenant name is the one I wrote in the post, “javibabel”.

I created another tenant (called “javicamaram”, please not confuse them) that is working.

Thanks and best regards

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