TNImport Error


I am trying to import an XML file using the TNConsole. The XML file is from the TNConsole also using TN Export. It is giving me error with the ff:

" File is not a valid IDataXMLCoder file.

Fix file or select another file. "

Does anybody knows how to fix this. I can open the XML file though and see the content.

Thanks for any help


Posted By Prashantha Upadhya on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 03:04 pm

Hi Pam,
This error is due to EDI doctypes.
In TN 4.6 is replace with editn.jar. So copy this along with cryptix32.jar and cryptix32-pgp.jar to %CONSOLEDIR%/lib folder. Then edit the console.bat in the %CONSOLEDIR%/bin directory to update the classpath with these jars. These files are available in IntegrationServer4/packages/WemEDIfotTN/config folder.

Hi Pam,

we are not using EDI and we don’t have WmEDIforTN package either. my problem is sometimes the TN import is working, sometimes not.


We are using TN 6.1 and experiencing same problem let us know if you found the answer to this issue.

We are using TN 6.1 and experiencing same problem let us know if you found the answer to this issue.