TN Processing Rule and PIPeline Data

Hi I use a processDocument to send the Document to TN. This Document will invoke a service from a processing Rule on my IS to push data somewhere else.

When I invoke the service from the Processing RULE. will my pipeline data be passed to the service?? or is there a way that I can pass that pipeline as input to the service that is invoked by the Processing Rule in TN?

Thanks for the answers.

When TN receives the PIP document then conversation kicksoff and the step handlers.send(WmIPRoot package) will post the document to outside world.

Hope you are using the conversationManager.


Thanks RMG for your message,

When I get the PIP3A4 Request. I map it to a backend Document than I have to send it to the backend IS. My backend IS does not have Access to Trading Network and what I am planning to do is that after using processDocument to send the Mapped Backend document to trading Network so the TN can keep track of the Conversation ID, My processing rule invokes a service that will do a remote invoke to send the same DOC to backend IS.

I am using Modeler 6.1