TN Issue webMethods 6.5 (failed FN_Partner_lookup)

I am getting below error message in TN when I sent an XML transaction. I am doing the testing for 6.5 Upgrade. We ported all the TN data and packages from 6.1.

Transform for SenderID of doctype OAG_show_shipment_005 failed to produce a value. The transform function was FN_PARTNER_LOOKUP, the first original value was templeinland-hrms.

Is this 6.5 issue?

Is templeinland-hrms a valid external ID for a partner profile? Of the correct external ID type?

Be careful about asking if things are 6.5 bugs. As mentioned in another thread, upgrading from 6.1 to 6.5 using the TN export/import function is not the official way to do the upgrade. This issue may be the result of how the upgrade was done.

We had partner profile defined with a capital letter and then when we migrated to unix we were sending the sender id as small letters. This resulted in this error. Thanks Rob.