The server has reached the full capacity of concurrent users - vs. ApplinX licensing.

This is just to share a revelation I have just had during load testing of ApplinX/SOA at Danish Police.

If you thought ApplinX would queue as many requests as you defined in Tomcat maxThreads and wondered why you still get “The server has reached the full capacity of concurrent users.” errors I found the explanation - verified by support.

It appears the rule is: “'The number of currently active emulation sessions plus the number of requests waiting for service must be less than the number of licensed users”.

So if you have just one application in the ApplinX server and a connection pool with fixed six emulation sessions and three requests being currently served and each of these (flow procedure instances) have created two connection pool sessions then all connections in the connection pool are occupied and new requests will have to wait in the queue until these resources get freed, Now, if your license limits you to a maximum of 10 users then only 4 can be in the service queue - number 5 will get the “full capacity” error message.

That was an eye-opener for me.

/Bjarne :shock:

Hi Bjarne,

Based on the scenario you’ve described here, we’ve reopened the discussion about the expected behavior from a connection pool.
The decision was that the behavior you’ve expected does make sense and you should be able to have service request queue which is bigger than the max licensed connections.

Please reopen your support request and we’ll provide you a fix for this limitation.

Best Regards,