Tamino Data Unloader on V4.1.4.1


I tried to use the Tamino Data Unloader to unload 7500 documents to the file system.

I keep getting this error message. Any ideas why? The same thing happens when I use ARGBATCH unload command.

<ino:response xmlns:ino=“http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/response2” xmlns:xql=“XQL FAQ (XML Query Language - Frequently Asked Questions)”>
ino:messagelineTamino Data Loader v4.1.4.1 - Copyright (c) Software AG</ino:messageline>
ino:messagelineUnloading doctype myDocType in collection myCol from Tamino database dmademo</ino:messageline>
ino:messagelineStart: 2004-01-26T14:59:36</ino:messageline>
ino:messagelineData unload aborted - _XQL command failed</ino:messageline>
ino:messagelineData unload aborted - _XQL command failed</ino:messageline>
ino:messagelineData unload aborted - HTTP status: 401</ino:messageline>

I am using Tamino on IIS5, Windows 2000 Adv Server.


Hi Naas,

do you use namespaces in your documents? Would you please attach your ARGBATCH script, document schema and some sample data.

I have experienced some problems with 414, but all of these problems were resolved in a later fix (update kit 3).


401 points to a security problem, please check if you can reach the Database from your client machine. Check the security settings of the Web Server providing access to Tamino. Maybe also Firewall settings on the server?



Hi Timm

That is what I was thinking (security) but I am running the ARGBATCH command on the Tamino server machine. The username and password is the same one I use in all my other ARGBATCH scripts which works fine and I use Web Server Authentication. The server also has no firewalls setup since it is our development server.


Hi Theo

Nope, I do not use namespaces. If there are any it will be the standard Tamino NS’s. The database is also a clean one, meaning it was not converted from a previous version of Tamino where you have to do namespace cleaning.

My script(I have also tried to move parameters sequences around) :
argbatch unload data product=Tamino version= target=myTaminoServer database=mydb collection=myCol doctype=myDocType user=BigBoss password=XXX outputfile=c:\temp\TaminoData.xml logfile=c:\temp\Unloadlog.xml concurrentwrite=0

Thanks for your help.
PS. What is weird is that the GUI version failed the first two times and then it worked all of a sudden although it looked like the server was hanging/dead. I closed Tamino manager, went to Job monitor and saw that the last attempt actually worked. Then I verified the output file I specified on the GUI interface and the data was there. But argbatch still does not work. Server has 1GB of memory, 1.6Ghz Pentium 4 PC so it is a very capable development machine :slight_smile: Average XML doc was 4KB at 9800 documents to unload.

Here is my script.


I have found a work around - not one I like but it works. I turned of Authentication (set to NONE) for the DB and then I used the same ARGBATCH statement with the username and pwd and it worked perfectly.

I will use it this way for now but would like to know how to do an unload with web server and Tamino Security turned on.
