The INPL job to load SYSTEM AND SYSDB2 objects was successful but can’t see any DDM for DB2 ?. According to the JCL there is no error and so they must be loaded. How do I verify ?
Thanks in advance,
The INPL job to load SYSTEM AND SYSDB2 objects was successful but can’t see any DDM for DB2 ?. According to the JCL there is no error and so they must be loaded. How do I verify ?
Thanks in advance,
Check the INPL job output, it will list loaded DDMs as well.
If you are dealing with a Natural Security environment you may need to define the DDM(s) to at least “PUBLIC” in Natural security to “see” it.
The INPL jobs show a list DDM for DBID 250 and 255 and for FNR 100,2 but I cannot find them in Natural when I invoke SYSDDM utility from Natural menu. Here is a partial output.
We define 2 DBID’s for SVC 228 one is 744 and the other 7441, will that cause a problem? Your help is greatly appreciated.
19:06:13 ***** NATURAL INPL Utility ***** 2006-09-15
User: WPAQN4D5 Library: SYSTEM
Reading INPL Dataset created on 2006-03-06 at 16:44:00
DDM Action DDM DDM DDM Cat Date Time
Name DBID FNR Length User ID (SA,CAT) (SA,CAT)
SYSIBM-DSNRLST01 Replaced 255 100 499 SMR 2000-12-12 11:48:35
SYSIBM-IPNAMES Replaced 255 100 263 SMR 2000-12-12 11:48:35
SYSIBM-LOCATIONS Replaced 255 100 231 SMR 2000-12-12 11:48:36
SYSIBM-LULIST Replaced 255 100 143 SMR 2000-12-12 11:48:36
SYSIBM-LUMODES Replaced 255 100 164 SMR 2000-12-12 11:48:36
SYSIBM-LUNAMES Replaced 255 100 407 SMR 2000-12-12 11:48:36
SYSIBM-MODESELECT Replaced 255 100 221 SMR 2000-12-12 11:48:36
SYSIBM-SYSAUXRELS Replaced 255 100 288 SMR 2000-12-12 11:48:36
SYSIBM-SYSCHECKDEP Replaced 250 100 280
SYSIBM-SYSCHECKS Replaced 250 100 437 SRA 1996-12-09 11:15:25
SYSIBM-SYSCOLAUTH Replaced 250 2 443
SYSIBM-SYSCOLDIST Replaced 250 100 344
SYSIBM-SYSCOLSTATS Replaced 250 2 425