Storing an non XML doc. from a remote hosts into Tamino

I’m facing a little problem with the taminosetnonXml. I’m developing an JSP app. which stores into tamino a non xml doc. it works fine if I execute this from the local server, but by the time that I try to execute it on a remote host , it says file not found; the reason is that if search for the file on the local server, in the time of an insertion. Does any one knows how to store a non xml doc. into a remote server ?
Greetings and Regards,

Jonathan Saul Torres Diaz
mail me

Do you have a HTML form in which there is a element, allowing the user to select the file, and does your JSP handle this file upload (i.e. take the file and do a Tamino call with it)?

Best regards,

Acctually I’m perfoming an html browsing using the html file type , therefore what I receive as a result is the local path of the file, and the setNonXml method receive this local path as an string;via the String file = request.getParameter(“file”). Do you know if there’s a way to send and receive an input data stream using this html tag? or there’s another method to perform this task on remote hosts?
Thanks and Regards,

Jonathan Saul Torres Diaz
mail me

You want to process a file (load it into Tamino) that resides NOT on the server computer but on a remote computer.

That means you somehow have to transport the file from this remote machine to the server.

It won’t suffice to give the server the path of the file (like c:\path\file.jpg) on the remote machine, for the server has no means of grabbing a file out of this remote filesystem. Instead, you need to do an upload of this file to the server. To achieve this, in HTML usually this coding is employed:

This will
a) give the user of the HTML page a file requestor dialog (at least on Win platforms)
b) on click on the OK button upload this file to the server to the routine specified with the action attribute of the form element
(“/servlet/receiveUploadedFile”). Please look for documentation on how to receive such an upload properly. Once you have the uploaded file at your servlets (or JSPs for that matter) disposal, there should be no problem loading it into Tamino.

I hope this didn’t miss the point entirely.

Best regards,



Perhaps you must add attribute “enctype” to tag “form”:

This allows html forms send file contents.
