I have spaces in my URL params. If I replace spaces with ‘%20’ charecter it is working fine.
But I don’t want to do that as there can be any other charecters also.
So is there any service that I can inoke in wM which converts these charectors to URL friedly charecters (eg: space to %20)
Since there is a space between “xml” anbd “version”, http call is failing. Even when I include the whole URL in “pub.string:URLEncode”, I am still having this problem. If I change the space between “xml” anbd “version” to ‘%20’ then it works. Is there any other FS to do this or I don’t have any other choice other than doing search and replace all occurances of space to %20?
Why are you building the URL yourself? Review the description of pub.client:http. You don’t need to do URL creation or encoding yourself. Let the http service do it for you.