Hi friends,
I have created a update siebel adapter Services. WHen i try to run that service it is asking me for user name and password. If i give correct user name and password provided by Siebel team. Its working fine.
Source publishes data and Target Side it subscribe for it and Insert,update… etc data into Siebel application. It is a scheduler Service. It will be running for every 1 hr. In the 1 hr the data volume is about 2 lakha of records.
Problem: It is threw a SiebelException: code(27679), msg(The password you have entered is not correct. Every 15 min. But it is working fine. Data is not missing when we check with Siebel Team. It is getting Inserted or data in there application.
Solution: There is way to fix this Siebel adapter service will not ask for user name and password. Any Service pack to be installed for this etc. How to handle this???
Error Sample
[ADA.448.1015] {0}.{1} - There was no response from the Siebel Server. Check your network connection and make sure the Siebel Server is running.
[ADA.448.1000] SiebelJavaConnection.connectFromValues - dataBean.login(siebel.tcpip.none.none://de01mdapp210.am.mot.com/ENTMDP1/SCCObjMgr_enu/SIEBMDP1) threw a SiebelException: code(27679), msg(The password you have entered is not correct.
Null password not allowed with LDAP(SBL-DAT-00352)) delta op:: e08k231: ESM_WEBMETHODS: Sentry2_0_sasync : GATI-CAH: PROCESS:
Thanks & Regards