If any Service/Thread hangs on IS, and if cancel/kill does not help, is server restart only possible way to eliminate hanging?
we don’t want to restart IS(Prod especially), will Package reload(May be not recommended and I have not tried it so far) help in this situation or any other solution is there?
Yes if the service/thread hangs (based on the Service Usage page () counts unless some thing wrong with the service errors restarting the IS is the only option…I hear you its a production so you have to manage it and setup a down time window after hours or weekend (unless the issue is not very critical and no impact to the interface side stake holders)
Also its a good idea to trouble shoot why the stale threads hung and try not to happen in the future…
If cancel/kill thread feature does not help you in wM 8.2 and up, the best solution is to restart your IS. Since it is a prod server I recommend you to restart the IS during out of business hours. And also check why the IS services/threads goes to hanging state.