SalesForce Integration through webMethods

Hi All,
We have a requirement to send all transactional data to SaleForce for CRM purpose and I am exploring the Cloudstream integration option.
I have a confusion though and would appreciate if anyone clarifies it

APPROACH 1(Salesforece Adapter)

  1. We will only be sending the data to Salesforce and not receiving any data. So it will be only outbound from us.

Based on this my first option is
1.My company will create a company login on Salesforce
2. Using that login I will create a cloud connection under provider under Salesforce CRM connector in the Solution on the Admin page.
3. Since this will be custom object, business will need to create a custom object on Salesforce and create custom fields, which i will be sending to Sales force

4.Then once I enable the connection, on the IS, i will create new cloud connector service using the connection from Admin page for Salesforce and select the operation(inert/delete/upsert) and business object(which business created)
5. Call that connector service in the regular IS service


Another scenario involves Cloud stream server, where in
1.I create Connector virtual service under Cloud Governance project
2. That will act proxy between on premise and SaaS provider service
3.Deploy that connector virtual service on Cloud server

Which approach should i opt for?

Please help???

This forum is meant for IntegrationCloud (publicly hosted ipaas solution managed and maintained by Software AG). Please use either Adapters and E-Standards forum or Cloudstreams forum to get details about how to push data to salesforce CRM.
