I am using SoftwareAG Designer 9.7 in Eclipse IDE. I logged in as admin and I use Subversive as SVN. But when I tried to create a package/folder/service under the default package, it will always say “cannot create …”. but then I ignore it and try to create it again, it will say such package/folder/service is already created.
So after refresh the package, I did see the newly created package/folder/service. But if I try to delete it, it will give this error.
Could not delete {0}
[ISS.0132.9117] error running command [svn, add, --non-recursive]; exit value: 1; output: [svn: Working copy ‘/sag/sag97/IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages’ locked, svn: run ‘svn cleanup’ to remove locks (type ‘svn help cleanup’ for details)]
I tried to launch the “svn cleanup” from WmSubversion, it will again say " [svn: ‘/sag/sag97/IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages/SampleWriteToFile’ is not a working copy directory]". But I don’t even have such package in my Package Navigator in the Eclipse IDE.
I have been struggling with this for quite a while. Any help is highly appreciated.