Running Impact Analysis reports

I have a requirement to identify and modify all Natural programs currently using Reporting mode to Structured mode on a Mainframe Natural environment.

The Natural Engineer product has been installed but when I run the Impact Analysis reports I get nothing reported, even though we do have 218 programs using Reporting Mode. The only thing I changed in the CINI member was under the [APPLICATION] section to set the library name to our production Natural source library.

Would some one be able to tell me which other options need to be changed in order to get the report I am looking for? Once I have the program list, I want to run Natural Engineer to modify the code to Structured mode.

Any help would be appreciated.



One way to get list of Reporting Mode objects is to execute the ‘Object Summary’ report & select ‘Spreadsheet’ for the output.
This will create EXCEL sheet and one of the columns is ‘Object Mode’ – so filter on that & it will give the list you want.
To execute this report, select the context menu for your Natural Engineer application and then ‘Reports’ → ‘Object Summary’

Hi Brian,

I am running the reports from the mainframe using the REPORTIM member from the .JOBS dataset. I don’t have the Windows version installed. Do you know how to produce the report I need using the mainframe version of Natural Engineer?



It is possible.
You will be using REPORTEN – Environment Reports
Change the CINI you are using (Work File 1) to have:
This will tell it to produce Work File 14 in the Batch job for the Ojbect Summary Report (REPOIS)
Make sure Work File 14 is set in the REPORTEN JCL.
Now tell it just to run the Object Summary Report…
Submit the job.
Assuming all OK, Work File 14 will have a CSV file which can be downloaded via FTP & pumped into EXCEL for further processing.

I ran the job and it finished successfully but again produced no output, here is what was produced:

  •                                                                  *                                                   
  •       N A T U R A L   E N G I N E E R   6 . 2 . 1 . 0            *                                                   
  •                                                                  *                                                   

                                                      Object Summary                                                   

Application: MOVEPROD
Object Object Name Total Total Steplib Save Load
Type Objects Lines Application Date & Time Date & Time

Grand Total: 0

The only other change I made to the CINI member was under (APPLICATION) to set the library name to MOVEPROD which is our Natural production library, but it looks as though it is not processing objects in the library as we have over 2000 objects in the library.

Currently I can’t logon to SYSNEE under Natural and have our systems group looking at this.

Do you have any other suggestions? Is my assumption correct that it should be processing objects in Natural library MOVEPROD or am I missing something in the setup?



The library needs to be Extracted & Loaded into Natural Engineer (NEE). The report executes against the Natural Engineer metadata held in the NEE Repository file.
NEE doesn’t read the FUSER (your application libraries) directly when producing the reports.
Once you can create the application within NEE then you can get the details you require.
BTW - you are on a very old version of NEE - latest is NEE834.3 with NEE841.0 scheduled for Oct.2017

Hi Brian,

Yes we are quite behind in our ADABAS/Natural versions which is why we had to use 6.2.1 as our version of Natural would not run version 8.3.3.

We are not upgrading anymore as we are replatforming from ADABAS to SQL Server and Natural/COBOL to C#.NET. Our client didn’t want to pay the extra money for the upgrades since we are moving of the mainframe.

We are using Natural Engineer to identify all Reporting mode objects and hopefully have it modify the code to Structured mode as our partner who is converting all the code to C#.NET can’t convert Reporting mode objects.

In order to create the application I am sure I will need to access Natural Engineer from within Natural but at the moment I am getting the following error when I logon to the library from Natural:

MFMENP01 0660 NAT3061 Error in search buffer. DB/FNR/Subcode 108/204/7.
MFMENP01 0660 NAT3061 Error in search buffer. DB/FNR/Subcode 108/204/7.

The setup requires a NEE Repository File.
This is referenced via LFILE 96 – so you’ll need something like LFILE=(96,dbid,fnr) to point to the correct file.
A NAT3061 is Invalid ADABAS Search buffer – which is suggesting you’re pointing to incorrect DB file as either the LFILE parameter is missing or incorrect.

So, once we have identified the programs that need to be modified, can Natural Engineer do the modifications as well?

Sorry for all the questions, this is the first time I have used the product.

Thanks for all your help, much appreciated.


NEE can convert Reporting Mode objects to Structured Mode. The process has to be understood. It will initially attempt to build a GDA containing any Global Fields – then it will convert the objects. The conversion rate is dependent on the type of code – so the process is not guaranteed to be 100% automatic. For instance, if you have redefined contiguous storage, you will need to alter the dimensions of generated arrays, etc.
Many NEE users have used the function successfully with minor tweaks required – the biggest headache is then testing the converted objects.

I got to the main menu but there is no obvious way to create an application. Under the application menu there are only options to pick or delete an application.

Is the application created in batch?



From the main menu, type AS for Application Select. Then enter the name of the application & it will create it.

Hi Brian, I finally got everything installed and tried to run my extract from my Natural library and got the following error:

Logon accepted to library SYSNEE.

  •                                                                  *   
  •       N A T U R A L   E N G I N E E R   6 . 2 . 1 . 0            *   
  •                                                                  *   

  •                                                                  *   
  •       N A T U R A L   E N G I N E E R   6 . 2 . 1 . 0            *   
  •                                                                  *   

CEEEXT-N 4730 NAT0954 Abnormal termination S0C1 during program execution.
NAT9978 Error occurred during execution/compilation.

My application in Natural engineer is defined as follows:

15:32:49 ***** Natural Engineer 6.2.1 ***** 08-Sep-2017
MFAPPM02 - Set Preferences - Application: MOVEPROD

         *STEPLIB:  SYSTEM__            Impact Mode:  RE-ENG__            
                                  Modification Mode:  NATURAL 4.2_        
         Steplibs:  ________                                              
                    ________    Extract Environment:  MVS________________ 
  Natural Library:  MOVEPROD                                              

Modification Library: MOVEPRMO

Modify To Steplib:  N                                                     

I am not running from NATRJE, just the batch job.
Any ideas?



This should now start to go thru SAG Support as it is not really a forum question.
However, check that your Natural is linked with LE370 support & you have specified DATSIZE=512.

Hi Brian, So our Natural was not LE/370 enabled so SAG suggested to add SET CONTROL ‘P=L’ to the job, do you know how to add this?


You need to refer this to SAG Support
However, LE/370 support is included during the link of the Batch Natural nucleus - the INCLUDE for the link depends on whether you’re using NAT4 or NAT8 but the DBA (or whoever is responsible for Natural) can find this & then relink.
I do not think that you require SET CONTROL ‘P=L’ once the Natural has been linked correctly.

I have linked a Natural program that is now LE/370 enabled and no longer received the S0C1. Now I get a Natural Engineer error that it can’t find ###CINI in the SYSNEE library, which is correct as I am running the stand alone batch jobs and according to the manual those should get their INI parms from Work File 1.

Any ideas why this is happening?



Please refer this to SAG Support.
Basically, they will require the job output which will determine the parameters passed to CEEEXT (the Parser).

Hi Brian,

After many trials and tribulations I was able to unload my Natural library and load it into the Natural Engineer repository. However, as I do not have a user manual I am somewhat going blind as to how to have it convert the Reporting Mode objects to Structured Mode. Would you happen to have a user manual or a link to one that would explain this process to me.



All Natural Engineer manuals are available for download on empower.