Result codes from TaminoResult

Hopefully some of the Software AG developer/profis are reading this one. Are the result codes documented within the documentation anywhere? Perhaps others have made their own “cross-reference”. Something like 8300 means nothing to me. Yes, I know I can get the text message, but application message text change from time to time. The codes are typically more stable. Is there documentation for the result codes? I believe the method is TaminoResult.getResultCode(), but I don’t have my reference with me, so don’t kill me. :slight_smile: Please.

Any help would be appreciated.


I think you mean the


method, the codes of which are described in ‘Messages and Codes’ in the documentation.

Yes, now I have been corrected. I was only reading the API documentation, and wondered why it only said, “This returns the ino:return value as a string object.”

Thank you for the information. :slight_smile:

I believe that you can see the result document that was returned by Tamino by doing a TaminoResult.toXmlString() operation. However, this will be result->DOM->string but it should be very similar to what was returned. Doesn’t help understand the error codes though. The “return value” is just the “code number”. Result codes are typically “subsystem” + “code number”.

Hi,I got the result through toXmlString,but i still want to get every TEXT_NODE’s value for me ,I thought in the DOM API for java ,TaminoResult’s method is limited to use,or i couldn’t find the solution,Anyone can give me the answer?
Thanks for a lot!

I got the result through toXmlString,but how to go on retrieving the element’s value?

Hi,I got the result through toXmlString,but i still want to get every TEXT_NODE’s value for me ,I thought in the DOM API for java ,TaminoResult’s method is limited to use,or i couldn’t find the solution,Anyone can give me the answer?

I don’t quite get the question - could you please rephrase it - It seems a bit garbled.

You’re not talking about the error text now?

hello,Nigel Hutchison
for me,the code is
TaminoClient tamino;
tamino=new TaminoClient(“http://localhost/tamino/test/Hospital”);

try {
TaminoResult tr = tamino.query(“/patient”);
Document doc = tr.getDocument();
Element patient = (Element)tr.getElement().getFirstChild();
Element lastName = (Element)patient.getElementsByTagName(“surname”).item(0);
Element FirstName= (Element)patient.getElementsByTagName(“firstname”).item(0);
catch(Throwable th) {
catch(TaminoError e)
{System.out.println("Tamino Error Text: " + e.errorText );
System.out.println("Tamino Error Code: " + e.responseCode );

and the result print on console is:
firstNamedfgdfh ,but i want to get the text “dfgdfh”,I found the DOM API for java,but I couldn’t find it!
could you understand me?
thank you very much!

Element FirstName= (Element)patient.getElementsByTagName(“firstname”).item(0);

Gets the element FirstName - the text value which is in a text node which should be the first child of the element.


should work


hello,Nigel Hutchison:
thanks a lot for your answer and what you give me the URL,that’s my want!and it’s work!
Best wish for you!