We are in the process of planning a phase-by-phase upgrade of the webMethods landscape containing multiple Integration servers, Brokers and MWS. We would be using Command Central for the installation of the servers (template based approach) and after the first iteration, the Command Central component would be live too.
As part of the subsequent installation/ build activity, the development team still require access to the Production Command Central server to install and build the remaining servers. Since the Operations team is a separate team, there are concerns over having shared access for the Command Central component. We are trying to mitigate this by having select access only for the development team in CC. Is there a way to configure the CC user access in such a way that the access to the installations/ instances that are already live can be restricted? We have explored the users, roles and permissions that are available in CC and could not find any such option.
Also, we are unable to see the complete audit trail along with the user id in the CC logs, whenever any change is done. As a worst case scenario if restricted access is not possible, we would like to have another admin user for development team, so in the event of any issues with the Live instances, we would be able to trace the changes.
The reason we are not considering to use the Non-Prod command central to build the remaining Production instances is due to the network connectivity related restrictions between the Prod and Non-Prod instances.
Appreciate any feedback or suggestions in this.