Replication Error - Master database XX is not active


We have a customer who want to have a managed Service on Virtuozzo Virtual servers. They are based on x64 and windows 2004. I did the Installation of Tamino on both servers without any errors. After we imported the Backup Database, we builded again a dump and setup the Slave Server. After that was succsessful, we tryed to start the replication on the slave servers and got the following error:

-Set type to replication database with simultaneous query INOAAI0795 Nov 25, 2008 2:47:37 PM

-Master database set to ‘Test’ INOAAI0051 Nov 25, 2008 2:47:37 PM

-Master database ‘Test’ is not active INODSE2200 Nov 25, 2008 2:47:37 PM

-Database ‘TestSlave’ cannot be set as replication database INOAAE0665 Nov 25, 2008 2:47:37 PM

The installation was done with a special user who is inside the administrators group. The services are running correctly. Also the Master Database is online, so that’s not the Problem.

The hostsfile looks okay. When we try on one Server to bring up the replication, it works but not oder the Network. There is no firewall between.

So i was running a sniffer and got the following output / error

From master to slave

.0H…0 H…n…E.
.P.,@… …].A.].
AG1…y …GhP.
…J…& v1.respo
nse…XTS dsquery.
ocalhost :12731?X
2731&DEB UG=0&DIR
PARMS=fi le=C:\Do
cuments and Sett
ings\All Users\A
pplicati on Data
Software AG\xtsu
rl.cfg,l clenc=ut
cuments and Sett
ings\All Users\A
pplicati on Data
Software AG…

From slave to master

.0H…n.0 H…E.
.U!.@… .R].AG].
A…1… Gh.y…P.
…:…- v1.retri
eve…XTS access.T
aminoI:T estSlave

From master to slave

.0H…0 H…n…E.
.V.-@… …].A.].
AG1…y …G.P.
…, v1.error
…220.XT S0220E:
DS No UR L entrie

from slave to master

.0H…n.0 H…E.
.P!.@… .V].AG].
A…1… G…y.8P.
…%…( v1.retri
eve…XTS access.T
aminoR:T est…

from master to slave

.0H…0 H…n…E.
.V…@… …].A.].
AG1…y .8…G.P.
…, v1.error
…220.XT S0220E:
DS No UR L entrie

Does anyone has a idea what that xould be ?..

thank you

Do the master node and and replication node both use the same XTS Directory Server ?