Remote servers not showing in the Deployer Map

Integration Server 10.11 - Deployer

Good morning, I encountered an issue while using a local instance of the Integration Server, while trying to perform a deploy using the Deployer.

The remote aliases I have are the local instance itself and another one connected through another port.
When going into the Deployer I created a Repository since I need to do a Repository-based project, I created also a Project, a Set and also created a Map. Then I tried to do the mapping onto the target servers.

I’ve seen other Deployers and at this point I should find a screen like in the higher part of the picture, with a menu where I can choose IS&TN and then select the remote servers.
Instead the screen that comes up is the one in the second half of the picture, where I can’t choose them and I get basically a blank screen (clicking on the menu just shows an empty menu), even though the servers in the Servers->IS&TN tab are correctly installed and the WmDeployerResource has also been installed.

Is this an occurring issue? Does anyone know how I can solve it?

What does it say when you hit test from the menu below?

I get this message:

If test is successful then you should be able to add them to target/source servers. I assume you are familiar with the deployer interface. It is really easy to overlook if you are not familiar. If you still don’t see it in the target or source servers we may need the logs to understand what the issue is. If you also have deployer installed on the target servers try creating the project other way. Swap target and source servers and do it on source instead. Like from this
Source (localserver or any other server) => target (server1, server2 …) to
Source (sourceServer) => target (localserver, server2)

If they are still not visible it means you are probably doing something wrong. Please provide more screen shots for each step so that it will be more clear.
If they are visible on the other server, then it means your deployer is probably broken, you may need to reinstall it.

Never mind, I was able to see the target servers in the Map.

The problem was that in the Set step the repository was empty (I thought it was correct since I want to be filled at runtime), so no packages were selected.
I did a manual build and filled the repository directory, selected the packages in the Set, then the remote servers appeared in the Map. I don’t know if this is the expected behavior or not, but it’s now working for me.

Thanks anyway!

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