In the common\conf directory there is this file called regfile - which we have to point to via the windows env setting of REGFILE=. When we run any commands (like inodmp) this file is referenced. I have slight problem, in that, in version 8.0 , the inodmp command is being run as a batch command using a different userid that is not allowed access to the installation directory… the centrasite binaries were copied from the installation directory to another directory where the userid for the batch scheduled job. This is currently working quite well in 8.0. However in 8.2, while trying out the same method, ie copying the binaries across to the directory which the batch job have access (and also setting the necessary env variable like Path, regfile, CS_java_home), and including the regfile, the inodmp is still reporting errors. In this case even if i have copies the regfile across to the folder which the batch job has access the inodmp command still produces errors. The same is not the case when i run as a admin user.
My question is is the regfile used by the commands on windows to determine where the necessary details are? and hence the command still need access to the install folder/directory.
Without the concrete error messages it is hard to say what is going wrong. You can face all kinds of problems when you are copying binaries from the installation directory to a different location and calling them from there.
Nevertheless, CentraSite binaries are assuming a certain environment that is given by the installation directory. Running them outside the installation directory is not supported. Therefore I would suggest to adjust the security settings of the installation directory.
The errors that were being produced was as follows:
16-NOV-2011 12:52:40 INODST1751: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:52:41 INODSI1463: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:52:41 INODSR5362: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:52:41 INODSI1463: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:52:42 INODSR2176: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:52:46 INODSI1041: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:52:46 INORBR4681: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:53:23 INORBI4468: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:53:23 INORBR4681: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:56:38 INORBI4468: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:56:39 INODSR2177: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:56:40 INORBI4631: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
16-NOV-2011 12:56:40 INODSI1634: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
The batch job still runs and ends successfully and inodmp still produces the backup file (dmp) file except it is about 2K bytes smaller than the one that had run successfully as below (please note i have set the env setting correctly)
Now having said that, when the same batch job is run under admin user credentials it works OK giving the following output:
16-NOV-2011 13:25:26 INODST1751: Start of CentraSite backup processing version 8.2.1 on Windows
16-NOV-2011 13:25:27 INODSI1463: Database ‘CentraSite’ accessed online
16-NOV-2011 13:25:27 INODSR5362: Processing backup
16-NOV-2011 13:25:27 INODSI1463: Database ‘CentraSite’ accessed online
16-NOV-2011 13:25:28 INODSR2176: collecting dump info
16-NOV-2011 13:25:36 INODSI1041: Starting full database backup
16-NOV-2011 13:25:36 INORBR4681: Backing up index space
16-NOV-2011 13:26:57 INORBI4468: Backup of index space completed
16-NOV-2011 13:26:57 INORBR4681: Backing up data space
16-NOV-2011 13:33:04 INORBI4468: Backup of data space completed
16-NOV-2011 13:33:04 INODSR2177: waiting for transactions to commit
16-NOV-2011 13:33:06 INORBI4631: Backup of database completed successfully
16-NOV-2011 13:33:06 INODSI1634: Successful completion