Hello Experts,
One of my java service showing error in th StringUtil.decString() lines.and Import com.wm .pkg.art.util in wM10.1 ENV.Is it deprecated or what ?
I have checked java IS API’s from wM8.2 to wM10.1 but I didn’t get any statement regarding these two.
can please suggest on this issue.
Thanks in-advance

Hi Ram,
I think StringUtil class is under “com.wm.pkg.art.util” package So you need to add WmART as dependency in your package where java code is situated and then reload the package.
Thanks for the reply.
I have imported that " com.wm.pkg.art.util " in java code.
It is showing error but I have checked in wmArt package but the internally pkg folder is not present in wMART package.
Even I checked in IS java APIS in wM10.1 I didn’t find any “com.wm.pkg.art.util”.
Can you please tell me how to get that?
Hi Ram,
Not sure why it is not visible to you. I just checked from my side and can see StringUtil class file under “<Install_dir>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmART\code\classes\com\wm\pkg\art\util” path. Attaching screenshot for your reference.
I am using WM 9.12 and i don’t think it will be deprecated in 10+ version.
Just one query are you checking service from Designer ? it is a class file so check from filesystem.
Hi Ram,
are you using Local Service Development instance or are you developing on a remote instance?
in the second case Designer is not aware of the packages and classes on the remote server and the message can be safely ignored.
But the Service should be able to compile automatically upon save with success.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Yogesh , I’m able see all classes once I reloaded package from server.
I have added package dependency as wMART package.Now it Still showing errors but it was compiled and running.