Java Services not compiling locally


Im running webMethods service designer 10.15 on macOS

I tried creating a java service on my local server and get the following error: “ [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class Package.myJavaService”
“ISSERVER|| 2024-12-18 18:03:44 MEZ [ISS.0028.0048E] (tid=296) Failed to read class Package.myJavaService from input stream”

This happens in every package where I try creating a java service. When looking inside the folder of the package, there is a code/classes folder, which contains the java class. However, the code/classes folder is not showing up in designer. The only subfolder of code I can see in the java perspective is the jars folder, which means that the source folder is also missing.

Does anyone know where the issue is? Maybe the JDK?

I managed to fix the issue. In the extended settings of Integration Server I edited the following settings:


I added the full path of the javac file, so the settings look like this:

watt.server.compile=/Applications/wMServiceDesigner/jvm/jvm/bin/javac -classpath {0} -d {1} {2}
watt.server.compile.unicode=/Applications/wMServiceDesigner/jvm/jvm/bin/javac -encoding Unicode -classpath {0} -d {1} {2}