Realm cannot be connected on IS

*UM and IS used and version 10.15

Detailed explanation of the problem:

I’m having an issue where is shows JMS cannot established connection to Realm. My situation is im currently setting up DR env which i cloned from PROD env. I already tried to connect to new Realm on UM and seems to be successful but in IS it still show IP from PROD env.

Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:[ISS.0134.9064] Error creating connection: javax.jms.JMSException: com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException unreachable:Realm was still unreachable after max retry count - 2 : nsp://

Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

The issue is solved as JMS from IS showed the error

Solution: Make new connection in UM Realm and restart UM services and then restart the IS so it will recognize the new IP.

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