Quip Errors

The errors we get are the following:

1) c:\Quip>runquip.cmd examples\xmpq1.xquery

Line 0, Column 0: Illegal character

1’) c:\Quip>runquip.cmd -input examples\data\xmp-data.xml -o myOut.xml examples\xmpq1.xquery

Line 0, Column 0: Illegal character

The “Illegal character” is ‘#’; eliminating comments we get

2) c:\Quip>runquip.cmd examples\xmpq1.xquery

Error in line 2, in column 5: Unexpected Token: {
Line 1, Column 29: Illegal escape sequence

2’) c:\Quip>runquip.cmd - input examples\data\xmp-data.xml -o myOut.xml examples\xmpq1.xquery

Error in line 2, in column 5: Unexpected Token: {
Line 1, Column 29: Illegal escape sequence

Thank you in advance

the command line version of quip still parses as default an old version of the xquery syntax. I am sorry for that.

You can switch to the latest version by specifying the option --xquery02.

e.g. the following call should work:

E:\QuiP\RunQuip.cmd --xquery02 -home E:\QuiP\examples E:\QuiP\examples\XMPQ1.xquery

Sven Eric

Same problem as previous message in this thread.
Trying the command line option, fully expecting
the queries in the /examples directory to work.
i.e. selection --xquery02, hoping to use the
syntax of the examples.

Present batch file is:
java -classpath %JAVABINDIR%/quip.jar;%JAVABINDIR%/javacup_rt.jar;%JAVABINDIR%/crimson.jar;%JAVABINDIR%/jaxp.jar;%JAVABINDIR%/parser.jar com.softwareag.xtools.quip.Main --cmdquip %BINDIR%/quip.exe -file_system -log_file errs -v --xquery02 -o %2 -input %1

Returned error is:
‘System Error’, with no log or error file generated.

Would you post a batch file that works with
the examples please?

TIA, DaveP

we will provide a new QuiP version on the web
next week. I propose you wait for that in order
to run the test from the command line.

Furthermore the next version will come along with
a Java-API to call XQuery directly from your Java

Sven Eric

I need the source code of some sample application that uses the Java Api for Quip. When this is avaliable??? Thanx for any answer…