Quip sample code

Please i need a sample code of Java Api for Quip using the files in a local filesystem…

Thanx for any answer…


[This message was edited by Sven Eric on 02 Jan 2002 at 14:48.]

Originally posted by Sven Eric:
please find below a simple example of how to use
the Java Api of QuiP.

I hope this will help you with your problems.

Sven Eric

import java.util.*;
import com.softwareag.xtools.quip.xqueryAPI.*;

public class ApiTest {
public static void main(String [] args){
Properties obj = new Properties();
StringBuffer stringbuffer1 = new StringBuffer();

try {
stringbuffer1.append( "file://." );

obj.put("home","C:/temp/presentation/" );
obj.put("quipcmd","C:/temp/presentation/quip.exe" );

Connection Conexao
= DriverManager.getConnection( stringbuffer1.toString(), (Properties)obj );
QueryResult Resultado = Conexao.executeQuery((String)args[0]);
catch (XQueryException XQEx) {
System.out.println("XQueryException: " + XQEx.getMessage());