Pub-Sub Issue?

Hi All,

I am using publish-subscribe type of model to publish doc to broker.
As one of my service publshing documents to broker but i don’t know wch documents getting subscribing tht publishable doc.

As ths is upgrade prjct & very old code so there is not enough documentation to know wch is target subscription service.

so this Issue is totaly struck…so there any way to find out wch doc getting subscribe by looking in wmbrokeradmin console or MWS ?

appreciate any advice.


How many Integration Server instances are there? Are there Broker clients other than IS? In Developer you can right click on the publishable document type and select Find Dependents. The resulting list will show you all the elements, including subscribing triggers, that use that document.

Hi Rob,
we don’t know how many Instance are there but i am pretty sure there are nth number of brokers connected to ths IS.
Yes there are some broker clients other than IS.

can right click on the publishable document type and select Find Dependents:
ths is hold good but we didn’t find any dependency not any subscribing trigger too


MWS will be your best bet. You can look at the clients that are defined to see which have an active subscription to the document type in question.