Publishing And subscribing Document

Hai,I am new to wMusers .I had one query about published document.

I published one document and the trigger was subscribed it.Where can i see that published document content in administrator?any body can help me?

Starting in 6.5, you can view the content on a message in the broker (I’m assuming you used the broker) via the Mws (my webMethods Server). You can browse the individual messages in queues. Of course the messages will have to be in the queues in order to do that which means you will probably have to suspend messages coming out of the queues to do that.

If you are doing troubleshooting, it’s probably easiest to either turn on auditing for the indivdidual flow service or use a save pipeline at the beginning of the flow service. Both of these will show you the input to your flow service.

Another item to keep in mind–folks that are new to Broker think that the Broker automatically keeps a copy of all the messages it has received from publishers and sent to subscribers. It doesn’t.

As Mark points out, you can view documents that are awaiting delivery to one or more subscribers (you’re viewing the subscriber queues). Or you can turn on logging as described in the webMethods Logging Guide, which can capture documents into a DB.

I am too new to webMethods. I have a ques, if the IS is of older version ( < 6.5 ) then how can we if the doc has been published on broker. I have IS connected to broker.

What is your IS/Broker version?? Please be more specific on your query/issue that you are trying to do??

You mean are you trying to connect IS6.5 to 6.1 Broker server using territory??


hi rmg,
thanks for quick reply…my IS n broker both are 6.1 Ver… i had a publisher which publish a doc on broker…i dont see any error while publishing, now there is a subscriber subscribed to this doc using a trigger.
on publishing doc this subscriber never receives any published doc. So I want to know whether is it possible to see the published doc which resides in broker.

“So I want to know whether is it possible to see the published doc which resides in broker.”

From my earlier post:

“…folks that are new to Broker think that the Broker automatically keeps a copy of all the messages it has received from publishers and sent to subscribers. It doesn’t.”

So if your subscriber didn’t receive the published document, there isn’t a way to see the published doc as it is gone.

Review the trigger configuration to make sure it is correct. You should see a client queue on the Broker for that subscription. Make sure that client queue has the right document type for its subscription.