Project Architecture

I have a quick question. I am relatively new to webMethods (9 months) and have been assigned a project to expose some back-end mainframe programs as web services. We plan to expose 28 services using IS, MIS and Broker for a few asynch processes. These services will be consumed by a handful of existing internal j2ee apps using primarily a request/reply model. We plan on leveraging the companies existing Unicenter product for monitoring.

So my questions is, is it appropriate to implement these services using only IS, MIS and Broker? webMethods has a ton of other products: modeler, monitor, manager, fabric. Am I making a mistake by not implementing these other products with the initial implementation?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



If your company leverages Unicenter for monitoring then you dont need of using WMManager tool.
Actually using of IS/TN,MIS,Broker to implement webservices integrations can deploy successfully.But for doign exclusively Webservices based integration that interact with J2ee Apps then Glue/Fabric will be a perfect solution, since these are builted purposefully for doing WS integrations based on ESOA(Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture).

You can download the information regarding the Glue architecture/docs or Evaluation version of Glue from corporate site.

Just some thoughts,

I would like to add that it may help visually if you have Modeller/Monitor installed and used. I am myself am trying to work them into the picture so I can have things setup as processes with Modeller and use Monitor to see there progress and restart points of mid-execution. It usually helps if you read the overview of the tools to find if you need them. Some work more independently amongst others and so you may not want that overhead if the tool is not even being utilized.
I would also say that you may have less tools in your production environment than your testing one, as you have verified things beforehand.

If you use only IS, MIS and Broker, you will not require DB support. Modeler and Monitor will require the use of a DB.



You can certainly get the job done using just IS and MIS. You might use Broker as part of your asynchronous implementation approach.

Using Modeler would lead you to build your solution using a top-down or process-oriented approach. It also allows non-technical users (and management) to more easily visualize what you are creating. If using Modeler, Monitor will allow you to view the status of any active or completed instance of a business process.

Manager has had some major improvements in usability and performance since its first release and now incorporates some of the functionality of webMethods Optimize. Manager provides system management information similar to Unicenter, but goes much deeper into webMethods product specific details. It also comes preconfigured to autodiscover your WM infrastructure and find common issues before you even tell it to do so. That said, you don’t need it to get the job done.

Fabric could help you build location transparency and seemless failover into the web services that you plan to create. See my articles on that topic either here on WM Users or at the Conneva web site.



Thanks for all the great input.


Hi, I am new to webMethods. I have some questions. plz give the response for following questions. 1. how to save the edi document to databse. to conver the idoc format to ISDoc format.
thanking you

Check out the Trading Networks Concepts Guide. It will answer these questions and provide you with the background for understanding the “big picture”.



Can you elaborate more on your first task what u are going to do…
Response for 1)Actually once you have extracted the edi document data and map the data to the necessary target db fields using WMJDBCAdapter(select Insert SQLtemplate) or WmDB services (execSQL and prepare insert query with what ever the fields which are mapped above.)

Response for 2)Basically using webMethods Developer tool you have to develop a flow service and do mapping from IDOC format (Segments)data to target ISDocument fields based on your mapping specifications.This process is done manually not by automatic.Finally execute this flowservice which will generate output ISDocument format (For this set the signatures Input(Idoc DocumentReference/Output(IS DocumentReference)in the Input/Output tab located in the flowservice.

IF you are using TN then follow reading the Mark’s suggested document above.
