Processing TN doc in modeler 1st step


I created a business process which starts with a subscription to a TN document. I deployed the model and the model is getting triggered when the particular document is sent to TN. In the first step of the process I am invoking a flow service that do the processing on the data of the TN document.

But I am not seeing the bizdoc in the invoked flow service. Instead I am seeing only ‘ProcessData’ PRT document.

Could anyone tell me how can I get the actual bizdoc data in this invoked service?



I solved this problem myself.


Actually, I’m facing the same problem,
can you tell me how did you solve that?

How you have solved the problem? I am facing similar problem. Could anyone help me out

Check the flow generated by the modeler for the first step of the business process. By default the bizdoc would be dropped from the pipeline. Do not drop it and you will get the bizdoc that you want to process.


I undropped it. It is avialable to the service. But I want TN doc as an input to the next step of my process. How can I achieve this?

Hi Shalini, If Express Pipeline was not set in your model property you will receive the Bizdoc in your next step.
If you want to have Express Pipeline property set and still you need Bizdoc in your next step, add the Bizdoc in output of ur first step and maintain it till end of ur step/service.