Problems with Natural RPC Server Creation

I am configuring the environment “Natural” to handle “Natural RPC Server” and “Web Services”, I did what says in the tutorial "” al foot of the letter, the Program RPC remains up some 5 seconds and later falls. All the other steps (APACHE, subprogram natural, file “xmm”, file “wsdl”), they are ready, alone lack that function the “Natural RPC Server”. The unique thing that I see different to as shows it in aids of SAG and in the tutorial, is that they utilize Natural version 6.1.1 for Windows and we have the version 5.1.1.

Any help greatly appreciated on pointers to resolve it.


EntireX Communicator Ver. Windows platform

You will probably get more information about the problem by configuring the trace - see option 4 in the viewlet.

The common reasons for the server not staying up after initial configuration involve connecting to the Broker you are using - make sure your RPC parameters in the Natural configuration are correct.

If you can upgrade to the latest version of Natural, you should. However, your RPC server should still be able to start with v5.1