in my xml file, I use a flexline control inside a tree for setting the foreground colors and values dynamically.
The flexline consists of controls like
If I use the above mentioned code, some fields (those with a red font) are displayed with a dark background - although it is never set. If I set the background-color to white, nothing changes.
But the fgcolorprop is left or the font color is e.g. dark green, everything works alright.
Here an extract of the xml file:
<rowtablearea2 griddataprop="treeNodes" rowcount="30" width="100%"
height="100%" withborder="true" hscroll="true" vscroll="auto">
<label name=" " width="300" asheadline="true"/>
<label textid="status" width="50" asheadline="true"
<flexline infoprop="headline"/>
<label name="" asheadline="true"/>
<str valueprop="selected">
<treenode2 width="300" singleselect="true"
imageprop="treeImage" withplusminus="true"/>
<field valueprop="nothing" bgcolorprop="statusColor"
width="50" noborder="true" displayonly="true"/>
<flexline infoprop="/sectorline"/>
and of the adapter class:
sectorBuffer.append("name;" + sectorName);
m_Headline.addLabel(this, sectorBuffer.toString());
m_Sectorline.addField(this, "valueprop;"
+ i
+ ";width;50;textalign;center;noborder;true;"
+ "displayonly;true;transparentbackground;true"
+ ";fgcolorprop;fg"
+ i
+ ";");
Thanks for advice…
H. Johannes