
Hallo allerseits,

(heute mal auf deutsch…)

Nachdem bisher beim Testen mit relativ wenigen Daten alles mehr oder weniger reibungslos funktioniert hat, poppt momentan bei Seiten, die ein FlexlineInfo-Control (vorzugsweise in Verbindung mit TreeNode2) besitzen, des

…sorry if I reply in English. Would be great if you also could use it… :wink:

The XML does not look too bad, I guess the main problem will come from “flexline”. What is the number of controls that you put inside?

We typically perform fine with something like 10-20 columns - but have problems with more columns. The browser has to dynamically build up all this (30 rows with each row holding the flexible elements) and does not like this too much.

Consequence: lower rowcount to minimum that is adequate to your users’ screens. And: not too many columns.

I am completely unaware of the error message you wrote “could not upload…”. The file “skript_verziegerung…” is no one of ours…


Well, the problem is that the number of column is absolutely dynamic - at the moment, there will be about 30 - 50 columns (field controls).
Also the number of rows cannot be reduced: the whole page should be used for the grid…

I hope you can improve this in the next time. Till then, I have to find another solution.

PS: The text of the MS IE error message:

Ein Skript auf dieser Seite verursacht eine Verz