IE Asks: "Stop running this Script?"

Hi There,
When I do the following:
Display a rowtablearea2 with 8 rows, containing a label and a (Textfield or Combobox [one of the two is displayed the other invisible])

I encounter the following symptom:
The browser (IE) opens a Window containing the following text:


Stop running the script?

A script on this page is causing IE to run slowly.
If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.

<> <>


If I press “Yes” the java script on the page does not work any more
If I press “No” the warning becomes true (but I get more chances to click “Yes”

Additional Info:

  • When I have 7 or less items in the table it works, if there are 8 or more contained it fails with the described “behavior”. The definition of the roware is as follows:

  • If I remove the Combodyn from the tablearea in the Layout XML everything works (sometimes :frowning: ).

  • I did some Java Script Debugging and figured that it might happen in the
    csc.js File in the operation “transferXMLIntoModel()”. This operation seems to run more than once, the first time it seems to be successfull, the second time the Counter “i” has the Value “NaN” (Not a Value)

Here is the Content of the xml Variable (I guess the stuff returned from the ajax call):


I could not see the XML layout that you are using in the post. Could you add it?

Thanks, Bj

here you have the XML Layout…

Thanks for the effort

…hmm, where…? I can’t see any…

you are right, upload does not work.
I also tried to just copy&past it in here but then all the attributes in the XML Tags are missing.

Any suggestions how to get the thing over…?

This is the error I get from the Forum Software:
“Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ./files/rav.produktdaten_153.xml.”


“Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ./files/”

So now I tricked the Forum Software:
Unfortunatly there is alimit of 1000 Chars, so I had to cut some parts.

{?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?}
{page model="ch.css.vertrag.oap.gui.frontend.rav.impl.RavProduktdatenGuiAdapterImpl" translationreference="rav_default" stylesheetfile="styles/CSS_DEFAULT.css"}
    {pagebody takefullheight="true"}
        {rowarea foldable="false" withtoppadding="false"}
        {rowarea height="100%" withtoppadding="false"}
            {tr height="100%"}
                {vsplit height="100%" widthleftprop="splitPosition"}
                    {splitcell takefullheight="true"}
                        {rowarea name="Offerte RAV PG" textid="tree_rav_pg" foldable="false" height="100%" withtoppadding="false"}
                            {rowtablearea2 griddataprop="ravoap_navigationTree" rowcount="20" height="100%" withborder="false" vscroll="false"}
                                        {treenode3 width="150" withplusminus="true" imageopened="images/fileopened.gif" imageclosed="images/fileclosed.gif" imageendnode="images/fileendnode.gif" singleselect="true" withlines="true" colspan="1" pixelheight="25"}
                    {splitcell takefullheight="true"}
                        {rowarea name="RAV-Besonderheiten (Produktdaten)" textid="area_productData" foldable="false" height="100%" withtoppadding="false"}
                            {rowarea withleftborder="false" withtopborder="false" withrightborder="false" withbottomborder="false"}
                                {tabsel tabselprop="maintabsel" bottomborder="false" reversecolors="true" leftindent="1"}
                                {rowarea name="Auswahl der Ebene" textid="area_levelChoice" foldable="false" withtoppadding="false"}
                                    {tr height="8"}
                                {rowarea name="Auswahl Baustein" textid="area_blockChoice" foldable="false" withtoppadding="false"}
                                {rowarea name="Auswahl Steuerelemente" textid="area_controlChoice" foldable="false" visibleprop="auswahlSteuerelementeVisible" withtoppadding="false"}
                                {rowarea name="Arbeitgeberbeitrag" textid="area_employer" foldable="false" visibleprop="agBeitragVisible" withtoppadding="false"}
                            {rowarea foldable="false" visibleprop="auswahlBesonderheitenVisible" withtoppadding="false" nameprop="ravpgpk_ebenenSelection_selectedBesonderheit_parameterSets_iterator_next_bezeichnung"}
                                {tr height="8"}
                                {rowtablearea2 griddataprop="ravpgpk_ebenenSelection_selectedBesonderheit_parametersTable" rowcount="8" height="350" vscroll="auto" firstrowcolwidths="true"}
                                        {gridcolheader name="Rahmenvertragsbesonderheit" textid="tbl_ravCharacteristica" width="70%" propref="1" textalign="center"}
                                        {gridcolheader name="Wert" textid="tbl_ravValue" width="30%" propref="20" textalign="center"}
                                        {str valueprop="selection" showifempty="false"}
                                            {textout valueprop="label" width="100%"}
                                                {field valueprop="valueTf" width="100%" flush="server" statusprop="valueTfStatus" invisiblemode="invisible"}
                                                {combodyn2 valueprop="valueCb" validvaluesprop="valueCbCombo" width="100%" flush="server" statusprop="valueCbStatus"}
        {rowarea withtoppadding="false"}


I prepared a small sample (3 Files) it woul be nice to upload it but that doesnt work.

I could mail it to you.

Sorry, we have informed our administrator because of upload problems. Could you please send the mail to: Thanks!



OK, we could reproduce. The problem is: the name of a property that is referenced in the user interface must not exceed 100 characters. In your case the full property name referenced within the combo processing is:


We output this information in the server log as error message:

20070704/163839/339 E CASA4_1183559916535...... CIS StringMgmt.getLength( StringMgmt.getLength ERROR ******************************************************
20070704/163839/339 E CASA4_1183559916535...... CIS StringMgmt.getLength( StringMgmt.getLength ERROR ******************************************************
20070704/163839/339 E CASA4_1183559916535...... CIS StringMgmt.getLength( StringMgmt.getLength Length of passed string exceeds number of digits
20070704/163839/339 E CASA4_1183559916535...... CIS StringMgmt.getLength( StringMgmt.getLength s=ravpgpk_ebenenSelection_selectedBesonderheit_parametersTable.items[7].valueCbCombo.items[3].backgroundsCSV

I checked you program and reduced the name of the first referenced property to “ravpgpk_ebenenSelection_selectedBesonderheit”. Now it works.

I assume that you are assigning the name of the property dynamically by some algorithm. Either change this algorithm, or introduce some cross reference between “short property name” and “long property name”.

Some additional background info: why is there a limit of 100? In order to optimize the unpacking of response data on client side the data is sent in a string format in which the length of certain strings is passed as well.
E.g. a property value is transferred in the format pnnvvvvv{name}{value}. “nn” being the number of characters for the property name, and “vvvvv” being the number of characters for the value. E.g. firstName=“hugo” would be transferred as “p090004firstNamehugo”. Property names are limited for this reason to be p99 as maximum.
(b.t.w. for very long values we also have a tag in whcih the value can have up to 12 digit length, which should be enough for any kind of data… - but the length of the property still is limited…).

Hope this helps!


Uploading attachements works again.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Your friendly Administrator.

Hallo Bj