X-Application Version: 3.1.3
Tamino Version : 3.1.1
Platform : Win2k
WebContainer : Tomcat 3.3a
JDK Version : 1.3.1
xapp:select text=“${query$}” >
<xapp:edit select=“/request/project-code” >
I want to store the selected Item from combobox into /request/project-code
I use the code above but in all cases always the first item is stored !
is it a correct code to do it or not ?
[This message was edited by Christian Freytag on 11 Nov 2002 at 11:49.]
X-Application Version: 4.1.1, 3.1.3
Tamino Version : 4.1.1, 3.1
Platform : Win2k, WinXP, Solaris, Linux, …
WebContainer : Tamocat 4.1.1, Tomcat 3.3.1
JDK Version : 1.4.1, 1.3.1
[This message was edited by Admin on 06 May 2003 at 09:07.]
you have switched the order: first edit, than select…
<xapp:edit select=“/request/project-code” >
<xapp:select text=“${query$}” >
X-Application Version: 4.1.1, 3.1.3
Tamino Version : 4.1.1, 3.1
Platform : Win2k, WinXP, Solaris, Linux, …
WebContainer : Tamocat 4.1.1, Tomcat 3.3.1
JDK Version : 1.4.1, 1.3.1
[This message was edited by Admin on 21 Mar 2003 at 13:00.]
also in this situation , always the first element is stored ,for examole we have i1,i2,i3 as the elements and we choose i2 but in tamino it stores i1 !
is it possible to send me a zip file including
the jsp page and the schemas?
Then I’am able to run it on my machine.
This make’s it easier to trace.
I send the jsp page that include comobox
thanks alot
orderer.jsp (310 Bytes)
I send the schema that I used for orderer.jsp
ticket-request-schema.TSD (6.3 KB)
thank you for the schema, but unfortunately
I am not able to open yout jsp page.
Would you please send “orderer.jsp” for a second
time ?
I send the jsp page orderer.jsp
thanks alot
orderer.jsp (19.5 KB)
unfortunately it isn’t so easy to retrace the behavior of your application.
I’ve tried to run the page in order to invoke your recognized behavior. Unfortunately it isn’t easy.
I would need to build several pages around in order to simulate your application.
It will be much easier, if you’ll pack your appliction and send it to me.
Than I can run it on my machine and I will hopefully see your problem with the select tag.
OK? If you are not able to send the application over the comunity, you can send it straight per email to me.
How to pack it? Very simple.
1. Go to your webapps folder (i.e.: c:/tomcat/webapps).
2. type “jar cvf .war - C .”
(Hint: don’t forget the dot at the end
3. Please send the war file to me and I will retrace your Problem
Thanx in advance for your cooperation
I send the zip file that include the 4 page of application and schema .the start page is rlogin.jsp .
in orderer4.jsp page and confirmer3.jsp page I used the combo box but in both of page the first element of combo stored in variable if you can another element the first elemet is stored.why?
please help me.
thanks alot
send.zip (8.45 KB)
as I have written before, it is not easy to reproduce your error.
I want to help you as soon and as good as possible, therefore I need the information I have requested:
The war-file containing your complete application. I’m only able to reproduce your problem, when I am able to run your application here on my machine.
Otherwise I’m only able to guess not to solve.
Due to this, please follow the following steps as written above:
i) Go to your webapps folder (i.e.: c:/tomcat/webapps).
ii) type “jar cvf .war -C .”
(e.g.: jar cvf Property.war -C c:\Apache-Tomcat-4.0\webapps\Property .
(Hint: don’t forget the “.” at the end)
When having all the Information I need, then I’am able to support you as you expect.
If you do not like to send the application over the comunity, you can send it private per email to TaminoCommunity@softwareag.com.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
I send the war file
thanks alot
I send the war file.again
here is the file again
thanx for trying it.
Have you tried to attach it at the post?
Well, then I don’t know why it didn’t work.
May you’ll rename the file to .zip and try again… :- )
I think my problem is obvious !
for testing the xapp:select tag I wrote the following code :
<xapp:select text=“users/name” value=“users/id”>
and I have the java script code filltext that moves the selected item of this lis to a text box :
function filltext(str)
document.form1.mytext.value = str;}
the schema is a very simple thing !
and it does not work
I think the select tag does not assign values correctly
please help me with this
I want to modify and explain my last post:
my schema
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs = “XML Schema” xmlns:tsd = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoSchemaDefinition”>
<tsd:schemaInfo name = “nfl”>
<tsd:collection name = “testcol”></tsd:collection>
<tsd:doctype name = “user”>
<xs:element name = “user”>
<xs:element name = “complex” maxOccurs = “unbounded”>
<xs:element name = “name” type = “xs:string”></xs:element>
<xs:element name = “id” type = “xs:string”></xs:element>
<xapp:select text=“users/complex/name” value=“users/complex/id”>
and I stored the following docs :
the html created code is like this :
<select …>
it seems that the xapp:select tag has some problems in such schemas !
I will be pleased if U run this example on your machine and see the results
I looked on your one before last post and I tried to run it and it worked with the information I had before.
With a quite big effort I was able to run your “orderer.jsp” page embedded in an other application addapted for these purpose.
Then this application showed the behavior you described: It allways stored the first entry of the combo box.
Looking on the resulting HTML code provided the error, as shown in your last post:
>the html created code is like this :
> <select …>
> noushin1
> noushin2
> negar1
> negar2
Well, this is a bug inside of our select tag.
As an attachment I hopefully offer you a solution for your problem.
- 1. Download the attached zip file.
- 2. unzip this file in to your X-Application folder.
The file ‘SelectTag.java’ will be overwritten.
- 3. Open a command line box, and go to your X-Application folder.
- 4. Now execute the command build quick.
This will generate a new xapplication.jar file.
- 5. Copy the file xapplication\lib\debug\xapplication.jar into the directory yourWebApplication\Web-Inf\lib\xapplication.jar.
- 6. Restart tomcat
Tip:Delete the content of your Tomcat work directory to prevent irritations concerning Tomcat.
Hopefully this fix your problem.
Please let me know if it was successful or not.
Bye Thorsten
xapplication_313_selecttag_fix.zip (4.42 KB)
Thanx for the solution
but it does not solve my problem completely
when I use xaap:select tag without value attribute it works :
but when I use value attribute the problem still remains!
would U please test it with value attribute set ?