what we found out is that our select tag is not able to handle your use case.
You are trying to fill the select box with two different queries for text and value.
Your result consits of more then one occurrence within one document. This works fine as long
as you just use text and no explizit queries for
text and value.
The relationship between text and value is realized by their ino:id.
In your specific use case the uniqueness of the ino:ids does no longer exist.
Therefore you can’t use the select tag if need different values for text and value.
Here is a proposal how you can generate a HTML-select with the result you wish.
There is also an restriction: You can make this list “distinct”.
<!-- read the data for your select-->
<xapp:directcommand type="query" document="allUsers" arg="/user"/>
<xapp:edit select="/result/@id">
<select name="lstUser">
<!-- Browse over all documents -->
<xapp:browse document="allUsers">
<!-- iterate within the document over complex -->
<xapp:loop document="allUsers" select="/user" iterate="complex" targetbase="user">
<option value="<xapp:display select="./id"/>"><xapp:display select="./name"/></option>
This examples generates the HTML select tag as you wish.
[This message was edited by Thorsten Raab on 12 Nov 2002 at 16:00.]