Problems installing Natural 2006.

I downloaded “Natural 2006 Community Edition”, filled the forms, and I received a mail with an attach .xml that downloaded to my disk.
When I try to execute the application to install, asks for the .xml file, and when tries to continue, appears a message that says the license isn’t correct or the file is damaged or modified.
I didn’t modify it, and I don

The Natural Community Edition runs only on Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Home.

Are you installing on a different OS version?

Hello, Michael.
I’m installing it on Windows XP Professional.


The license file is included in the download. Please look for nat62.xml.


I also tried to install Natural 2006 but unfortunately the license file called ada51_demo.xml is not accepted. I guess the file isn’t appropriate to install Natural. I already had a look for the file nat62.xml, but it isn’t included in the downloaded archive.

Thanks in advance

Please drop me a note to my email:
and I will check to send you a license.

I have encountered the same problem in installing the Comunity Edition.

I did receive an email with nat62.xml license key attached; however, the email browser blocks access to the ‘dangerous’ xml file. Is there another way I can get the key?
