Problem with non xml document

I am currently developing a web application on .Net with a Tamino XML Database version 4.2.1 and using IE 6.0.
I have installed the latest fixe file INS 4.2.1 Update Package 5 - 24.11.2004 for Tamino but I still have an error.

The error is with the upload of documents inside Tamino.
When I do :

TaminoResponse response = command.Insert(doc);

sometimes I am catching this kind of error:
“The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.”

This error is not always. It comes with a specific pdf file and a specific doc file. If you want I can send them to you.

What kind of error is it? Is this error coming directly from the database, or the API for .Net, or IIS or the SP2 of microsoft.

I suspect it is originating from Tamino.

The PDF would be useful (you can attach it as a zip). Also could you provide the schema definition for where you are storing the PDF/doc files.

Hello Mark,

thanks for the answer. I attached the pdf file that makes problem.
contractX-InstallationGuide-E106.pdf (2.13 MB)

I just tried this on a local box with Apache and on a remote box with IIS. I didn’t get any errors (I tried 400 uploads locally and 100 uploads remotely).

Is your Word document of a similar size? It is possible the error is coming from IIS.

Hy Mark,

I send you the doc file. They don’t have the same size and the same content.

If it is IIS, could you tell me what kind of error it is and how I could resolve it. I have to solve this problem because I have customers that are no satisfied with this mistake.

Regards (1.43 MB)

Is it possible that you could turn on logging within IIS and see if the HTTP 400 originates from Tamino or IIS?

I looked at the logging file within IIS and I got this :

15:56:56 POST /inoScripts/modiis.dll 200
15:56:56 PUT /inoScripts/modiis.dll 400

The error might be generated from Tamino.

You’ll need to open this as a support issue.

It would be good if you could provide relevant schemas + small test program to demonstrate the problem.

I am in a similiar situation.

When I execute a command.Insert with non-XML data throws an HTTP exception (400. Bad request).

It occurs when I try with a PDF file with a length >= 200 KB.

Please, can you post here the conclusions?


Hi, espero me puedan ayudar. Mi ingles no es muy bueno escribiendo pero si leyendo espero me ayuden.
Yo tengo un problema similar trato de insertar un documento en Tamino pero me manda un error en el response “(400) Bad Request”.

yo no conozco mucho sobre como subir archivos .doc a Tamino me podrian dar una ayuda.

Hasta donde se tengo q configurar la base de datos que estoy utilizando para agregar la funcionalidad de non-xml index.

Tengo una duda, cuando yo realizo la configuracion de la Base de Datos esta automaticamente me genera el esquema para poder guardar los documentos o tengo q agregarlo yo.

Y otra pregunta un archive .doc se puede agregar a otro nodo ya existente.?
Gracias por todo. Espero su pronta ayuda.

I’m sorry olvide mostrar el code q yo utilizo:

        Dim Doc As TaminoDocument
        Dim Command As TaminoCommand
        Dim Resp As TaminoResponse
        Dim url As String = ""
        Dim tc As New TaminoConnection(url)
        Dim fs As New FileStream("Route of archive", FileMode.Open)
        Doc = New TaminoDocument(fs, "application/octet-stream")
        Doc.DocName = "@test"
        Doc.DocType = "onlaw.inhalt"

        Command = tc.CreateCommand("LawEnforcement")
        Resp = Command.Insert(Doc)
