I want to insert my payload inTamino. I’ve created a Schema that matches with the payload. I can connect and perform a query without problems, but trying to insert a new document, this error occurs:
Exception: “com.softwareag.xbridge.exceptions.XException: TaminoSingleAccessor: Internal error: Message object does not have a connections container.”
The “xdb.tamino.connection-name” property is set with the same value in the “SagTaminoConnection” component and the “SagTaminoSingleAccessor” component.
I’m using Mediator Version , on Windows 2000.
The Java Tamino API is installed. The Tamino connection works fine, as the query. Only the insertion fails.
The payload fits with the “Trazas” schema. I’ve tried to insert the payload with the Tamino Interactive Interface (copy & paste), with success.
are correct. This means you have an auto-commit transaction-mode since this is the default. I am not sure if this is your problem, but I would suggest you correct the sequence and retry.
I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my system. What version of Tamino are you using?
There is one small issue in the sequence you designed I think I should let you in on. It is most likely not an issue for your sequence but could make problems for you when your application becomes more complex. The XML accessor, when used in a TaminoQuery will return x documents but Mediator will only process the first. To access all documents you have to either use the stream accessor or you need to place the same query in a while loop and itterate through the results. When you call the same query again, the next document will be automatically become the new current payload.
The query step is only for testing the database access. It returns all the “Traza” documents, but it is only a test. What I really want to do is the insertion of a new document.
Are you having this problem when running the debugger? A friend reminded me of a bug we had in this version when testing sequences which had Tamino connections.
If this is the case, try testing the sequence using a test document. This avoids the constant communication between the studio and runtime.
The problem is corrected in the current version - 7.4.2.