Have you tried using appendToStringlist??Also what have you done mapping so far and facing problem?? a tricky loop mapping should do the work…elaborate with your existing flow…
we cant loop the Transformer…
ofcourse you can make…the reason you are seeing error is make sure you have specified index or your loop doclist is not showing as document inside the loop step when you map to appendToStringlist as transformer…Also you can directly call append service instead of transformer in a map…
Can you post the FLOW snippet that you’re having trouble with? You can use a transformer in a loop–but what you cannot do is pass a list to a transformer that expects a single variable. If you believe you are looping over the list and then passing the looped-over var to the transformer and are still getting this error, then there is an issue in your loop statement.
Please check you loop steps and mapping to that append service,as Rob mentioned above.you may get that error when you are trying to map looped var to the transformer is still thinking as list.