Prefix partyId to messageId for the pong using ebXML sendAck


I am trying to perform ping-pong test between two TN servers. Referred to the ebXML document and developed a small service to perform ping( wm.ip.ebxml.pingUsingTPA ) from one TN to another and could successfully get a pong in response to it. But, the other TN sends autoAck pong using wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:sendAck but it is expected to prefix the messageId with ‘from PartyId’ which is not happening. Can someone help me if I have to set some property or configuration in the TPA or elsewhere?



The default behavior of the “messageID” does not prefix “From or To PartyID”. Are you using any custom service for generating “messageID” and expecting “From PartyID” to be prefixed??


Hi Rakesh,

We are able to resolve the issue by using wm.ebxml.getMessageIdSvc parameter mapped to our custom service.


Good to know that the issue is resolved.

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